2025 Instructional Materials Adoption
Burnet CISD, along with other districts around the State of Texas, will consider the adoption of new instructional materials for implementation in 2025-2026. The links within the expandable sections below provide state-level information as well as local planning information.
Pursuant to the 2023 House Bill 1605, the State Board of Education has evaluated vendor materials using an extensive rubric. The evaluated materials include new publicly-available resources owned by the State of Texas, which were also developed to comply with House Bill 1605. The list of High Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM) can then be considered by districts for local adoption.
Teacher committees in Burnet will evaluate options and make recommendations in the following areas:
- Kindergarten - Fifth grade Reading Language Arts
- Kindergarten - Eighth grade Mathematics
- High School Math courses Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and Algebraic Reasoning
- Kindergarten - Eighth grade Social Studies (no new SBOE list, but an adoption for gap years of prior purchase)
About HQIM and IMRA
BCISD Adoption Timeline and Info
Slides from January 2025 Elementary Campus Presentations
SBOE Approved Instructional Materials
Rubrics for Resource Evaluation
BCISD Local Social Studies K-12 Rubric- coming soon!
Instructional Materials Previews: Login and Access Info
Math and Reading:
Social Studies: