Bad Weather/School Closure

Parents and employees should assume school will start as planned unless they receive notice otherwise. Official notice of school closure or delay will be provided through School Messenger, media outlets and the BCISD website.
Procedures for Closing School
When there is cause for concern for the safety of children, parents, and staff in regards to opening school during normal operating hours, the following processes will take place.
  • When weather conditions allow Burnet CISD to announce a closure before 9:00 P.M. of the previous day, the District will make the announcement the day before the closure.
  • When the decision can't be made by 9:00 P.M. the previous day, a decision to delay the start of school or cancel classes for the day will be made as close to 5:00 A.M. as is possible considering the conditions that exist at the time.
  • Weather conditions will be monitored overnight by the Transportation Director, Assistant Director of Transportation, Director of Facilities and Operations, and Assistant Director of Facilities and Operations.
  • Communications will be maintained with DPS and the Burnet County Sheriff’s office.
  • No later than 3:30 A.M., the Transportation Director and Director of Facilities will notify the Chief Financial Officer and the Superintendent of road conditions and the predicted impact on the operation of the district for the coming day.
  • These four individuals will meet at the administration building or confer remotely no later than 4:30 A.M. to form a plan of action and communications.
  • The Superintendent will confer with Superintendents from surrounding school districts regarding possible plans for closure. 
  • After considering all available information, the Superintendent of Schools will make the decision by 5:00 A.M. regarding school operations for the day.
  • A comprehensive communication plan to inform staff, students and parents will be launched once a decision is made.
  • The Superintendent’s Cabinet will conduct a conference call at 10 a.m.
  • After monitoring weather conditions, if it is determined that schools will be closed or delayed more than one day, notification procedures will be followed.
In the Event of a 2 Hour Delay of School
In the event of a delay of School, the procedures will be followed as above and will include the following guidelines:
  • After considering all available information, the Superintendent of Schools will make the decision by 7 a.m. if classes will be cancelled for the entire day.
  • Buses will run 2 hours later than a regular day which will therefore delay pick up times by 2 hours.
  • School will start 2 hours later than the regularly scheduled school start time.
  • Breakfast will not be served. 
  • Lunch times will remain the same as a regular school day.
  • The Superintendent’s Cabinet will meet at 10 a.m. to debrief and update delay procedures.