Parents & Students » Enrolling from Homeschool or Private School

Enrolling from Homeschool or Private School

Welcome to Burnet CISD! We are thrilled you have decided to join our Bulldog family.
Burnet CISD recognizes credits and grades earned for courses equivalent to those listed in the Texas Administrative Code if the courses were taken at institutions accredited by or recognized by the Texas Education Agency (TEA). Coursework from non-TEA-accredited private schools, homeschools, or foreign schools are not automatically recognized without additional evaluation. Procedures for credit with prior instruction are followed, and the following questions may assist you in understanding the process.
The first step is to complete an enrollment process for BCISD. Placement decisions are only made for enrolled students.
Burnet CISD uses a variety of information sources when considering grade placement. A student is usually initially placed according to a combination of age and the last “promoted” report card or transcript from a TEA-accredited institution, if available. However, a student could need to spend the first few days on campus taking assessments or having curriculum and work samples reviewed to before determining final placement.
Usually, yes, students are required to take appropriate assessments to evaluate existing competency in Reading and Math. If you are able to provide access to the curriculum used by your private school or homeschool along with your student’s grades and work samples, it is possible that a campus committee could find that the student is ready for the grade level you have requested. However, if the samples do not demonstrate readiness alone, then testing is required. Assessments can indicate mastery of prerequisite skills needed before the student enters the requested course(s) or grade level. We want students to be placed in the setting that they are mostly likely to experience success.
The Texas Education Agency has published a HomeSchooling information page to assist parents with navigating homeschool records and transfers to public schools: 
Burnet CISD uses either a review of work samples and curriculum completed, or placement testing to inform a decision about appropriate placement upon entering a BCISD campus. This practice aligns with Commissioner of Education guidance: 
For placement in grades 1 – 3, a student usually takes nationally-normed tests in Reading and Math to determine relative achievement in these areas compared to other students who have received the same grade level of instruction. This gives administrators an idea of whether sufficient mastery of the prior grade level will facilitate success in the next grade level which is being requested.

For placement in grades 4 – 9, students take tests aligned to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) standards for Reading and Math. These tests allow a student to demonstrate achievement in the prior year’s Texas standards that are considered prerequisite for success in the next grade level of instruction.

For award of high school course credits, exams per course can be taken.
The campus administration may consider a variety of factors including prior academic records, achievement testing, school recommendations, or other factors in a student’s grade placement according to Board policy FD (Local). If your student has received Special Education services or other special program services, it is important to provide information upon enrollment before placement testing is finalized. The primary consideration to ensure student success is the demonstration of academic readiness for the requested grade level.