Community » The Andy Feild Spirit, Pride, and Honor Award of Distinction

The Andy Feild Spirit, Pride, and Honor Award of Distinction

On September 19, 2022, the Burnet CISD Board of Trustees created an annual award to be given to any Burnet CISD staff member or board member who exemplifies Spirit, Pride, and Honor through their actions, words, and volunteerism. The honoree, through the way they live their life, will demonstrate to others, what it means to make Spirit, Pride, and Honor come to life.
The Board of Trustees unanimously selected Board President Andy Feild to be the inaugural recipient of the first award, and declared that the award would be named the, “Andy Feild Spirit, Pride, and Honor Award of Distinction.”
Andy Feild is the epitome of Spirit, Pride, and Honor. As a Burnet High School student, Andy was selected by the faculty as the 1965-1966 Best All Around Male Student. Participation in extra-curricular activities along with his scholastic achievement were some of the factors considered when the faculty selected him. Andy served as a captain on the football team and as the president of the FFA. He was also in the cast of the One Act Play. Fast forward to 1997 when Andy began serving on the Burnet CISD Board of Trustees. Andy has served on the Board for 25 years, and has served as President of the Board since 2005. Burnet CISD is the District it is today because of Andy’s life-long commitment to the District and to Spirit, Pride, and Honor.
In addition to the award that will be presented annually to a selected recipient, a perpetual plaque has been created that will forever list the names of the recipients of this award and it will be hung in the hallway just outside the Burnet CISD Board Room next to the pictures of the current sitting Board Members. 
Award Recipients
2023 Andy Feild
2024 Donald Fawcett