New Student Enrollment

New Student Enrollment

Welcome to Burnet Consolidated Independent School District!  This is where you will begin the process of enrolling your child.  If this is your first time enrolling in BCISD or you have withdrawn previously from BCISD and wish to re-enroll as a new student please click the NEW STUDENT ENROLLMENT at the bottom of the page.


School Registrar Email Phone
Burnet High School Glenda Smith [email protected] 512-756-6193
Burnet Middle School Gabriela Burdell [email protected] 512-756-6182
Quest High School Shannan Thurman [email protected] 512-756-6747
RJ Richey Elementary Rena Suter [email protected] 512-756-2609
Shady Grove Elementary Skeeter DeLeon [email protected] 512-756-2126
Bertram Elementary Bivian Garza [email protected] 512-355-2111



Once you complete the online enrollment you will need to finalize the enrollment process in person at a later date.  The campus will contact you in July to set up an appointment and complete the process. When you visit your child’s campus please provide the following:

  1. Current proof of residency
  2. Current immunization records
  3. Certified copy of your child’s birth certificate or another form of legal identification (Kindergarten students must be 5 years old by September 1)
  4. Social Security card (preferred)

Proof of Residency Information Required

  1. Current utility bill showing name, current address and date
  2. Rental agreement or lease (if applicable)
  3. If the student is living with a parent in another person's residence and therefore cannot provide proof of residency in the parent's name, the parent and owner of the residence will need to complete a Residency Affidavit Form available at the Burnet CISD Central Office (208 E. Brier Street).  Both parties will need to provide a form of identification and the owner of the residence must provide proof of residency document mentioned above.

Immunization and Enrollment

  1. Pre-K, Kindergarten, and students from out of state must present an up-to-date immunization record before the student is allowed to attend.
  2. Students who transfer from another Texas public school may provisionally enroll and have 30 days to provide a current shot record to the school.  After 30 days the student may not attend without up-to-date immunizations or documentation that shows progression towards receiving required immunizations.
  3. The 30 day rule also applies to homeless students.
  4. With the exception of transfers students or homeless students, all students must present current immunization records to attend school.

Pre-K Eligibility

  1. Child must be 4 years of age on or before September 1 and a resident of Burnet CISD
  2. Meet immunization requirements 
  3. And meet at least one of the following conditions:
    1. Child is unable to speak and comprehend the English language, or
    2. Child is economically disadvantaged and is eligible to participate in the National School Lunch Program, or
    3. Child is homeless, or
    4. Child is or ever has been in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services following an adversary hearing, or
    5. Child of active duty member of armed forces, including the state military forces or a reserved component of the armed forces, or child of an armed forces member injured, killed or missing in action while on active duty, or
    6. Child of person eligible for the Star of Texas Award.

To begin the enrollment process choose one of the following options:
  1. If you currently have a student within your family enrolled in the district click Skyward Family Access to log in to your account Select New Student Enrollment from the home icon drop-down and then select the New Student Registration box for the appropriate school year.
    Family Access
  2. If your family has never been in the district or you have withdrawn previously from BCISD and wish to re-enroll as a new student, click this link to begin: New Student Enrollment.
Please Note: Online Registration and Enrollment is now available on the Skyward App! If you wish to use the App to complete your forms, that is now an option! As always, browser-based registration is available use any modern web browser.