Curriculum » Library Services

Library Services

BCISD Campus Libraries support student achievement through the acquisition of materials used in the implementation of TEKS-aligned instruction in all content areas. Students using library resources develop skills in information literacy and an appreciation of reading. District staff use library resources for research and curriculum development.
Parents are the primary decision makers regarding their student’s access to library material. The district encourages parental involvement in library acquisition, maintenance, and campus activities. Parents are encouraged to communicate with the campus librarian and their child’s teacher about special considerations regarding library materials self-selected by their student.
All campus library collections are viewable online:
We value parental transparency, and we encourage parents to use the links above to browse the titles available to their student(s). In addition, the campus librarian may assist you with logging into your student's account to monitor the titles he/she checks out throughout the year. Requests for reconsideration of a library resource will follow procedures described in policies EFB(LEGAL) and EFB(LOCAL), which begins with contacting the student's campus librarian and/or administration in attempts to resolve the request informally.
BCISD Library Staff follow procedures for acquiring new titles to campus collections that align to Texas State Library and Archive and Commission standards for school library collection development.
The District will post new titles being considered for purchase for library collections on this page for a period of 15 days to allow parental and community feedback prior to purchase.
Feedback on proposed purchases may be submitted through the BCISD Library Collection Purchase Feedback Form. 
See the lists below for proposed purchases.