Professional Development
The Curriculum and Instruction Department is responsible for matching learning and growth opportunities to the needs and professional goals of our staff.
District-Approved Flex Day Options for 2024-2025
Principals may approve additional options not listed below that are completed outside of work hours. The list below are considered pre-approved by the District.
Psychological First Aid online course
This TEA-compliant training through the National Child Traumatic Stress Network requires creation of a free account (5 hours)
EduHero online courses (general):
Before it Breaks: Proactive Classroom Management (1 hr)
Effective Classroom Behavior Management (1 hr)
Classroom Conflict (1 hr)
Link to Special Education courses
Free online GT update courses:
EduHero (45 min - 1 hr each)
Engaging the Gifted Student
Personality Typing and GT Students GT: Stress and Burnout Emotional Needs of GT Students Growth and Maturity of GT Students The Twice Exceptional Student Raising the BAR Increasing your GT Diversity Working with GT Parents Overcoming Roadblocks to GT Success Tech Tools for GT Students Differentiated Assessments GT Instruction in the ELAR Classroom Growth Approach to GT Instruction Functional Perfectionism GT STEM Inquiry using PhET Simulations GT Students and Differentiated Instruction GT: Energizing K-5 Science Tools for Energizing Creativity |
Fee-based online GT courses:
Region 13 (6-hour updates)
Differentiation for Advanced Students
Curriculum Compacting
Gifted Potential in Creativity and Leadership
Using the Depth and Complexity Framework
Administrators and Counselors Training
Choice Boards for Advanced Learners
Gifted and Talented: Proactive Differentiation Using Assessments (In-person at Region 13 Marble Falls location)
Responsive Learning (30 hr. Foundations)
College Board online AP Summer Institutes
Emergent Bilingual online courses
Emergent Bilinguals: Requirements and Responsibilities (EduHero free 2 hrs.)
Implementing the ELPS by content courses (TEA Learn ELPS free 3 hrs.)
ELPS Academy (TEA Learn ELPS free 4 hrs.)
Other Training for 2024-2025
(required for new staff)
(required annually)
Wondering if the PD you attended qualifies as GT training?
If you attended a workshop or completed an online training that you believe could count towards the State-required annual update hours for Gifted and Talented, complete this form to request consideration. If you still need to complete your hours, contact Curriculum Coordinator Laura Eubank for information about available options.