Child Find
Child Find is the affirmative and ongoing process of public awareness, coordination with agencies and primary sources, and screening procedures to locate, identify, and evaluate all children with disabilities from birth through age 21 who may require early intervention or special education services. This includes infants, toddlers, students who are being homeschooled, and students who are in private school. Infants and toddlers can receive help through the government’s early intervention programs.
Parents whose children do not attend public schools may not know what kind of help is available. Schools use various methods to reach those families. Outreach efforts can include local media campaigns, notices to parents, and notices posted in public places. If you are concerned a child you know may have a disability and may need specially designed instruction, please contact the Burnet CISD Special Programs Department at 512-756-2124.
Contact Person: Kelly Pieterse, Director of Special Programs [email protected]
Aiding Students Who Have Learning Difficulties or Who Need Special Education or Section 504 Services (Student Handbook Statement)
Does Child Find mean the school has to agree to every request for an evaluation?
If the school knows or has reason to suspect your child has a disability, then by law (IDEA) it must agree to do an evaluation. For example, a child’s teacher or parents may be concerned about a child’s academic work and request an evaluation. By law, the school must seriously consider the request. However, if the school does not have a reason to think your child has a disability that requires services, then the school does not have to evaluate.