Hygiene Assistance Guidelines
Early Grade Level Toileting and Personal Hygiene Guidelines
Students who are eligible for Pre-K and Kindergarten are not required to be potty-trained according to TEA's eligibility and attendance guidelines. Per TEA, hygiene assistance in the classroom and on campus is governed at the local district level. The BCISD recognizes that potty-training is a developmental milestone. In BCISD we require that you let us know that your child will need a toileting plan to start the year off.
Students entering Pre-K should be potty-trained, but circumstances arise in which students are not potty-trained. Care for a student should occur in the classroom when possible to minimize the time away from class. A nurse is not always needed to change a student, but care for students is a team approach and nurses will assist as allowed by other medical priorities in the clinic, or when it is deemed a medical (possible illness) reason for the accident. Parents should provide 1 set of clothing to be kept in the classroom for the student in the event of an accident. The following guidelines apply to accidents in the classroom.
- Is there reason to believe this is medical in nature (i.e. diarrhea)?
- If so, take the child to the nurse.
- If not, care should occur in the classroom if the student can be prompted/coached through changing clothes. The teacher/IP will talk the student through step by step as needed in the process of toileting. This guidance should be given from the door and the door should remain partially open. Student privacy should be maintained at all times. The detail of the guidance will depend upon the child and each situation will vary. Most accidents can be handled this way.
- If a child cannot be prompted and needs hands-on assistance:
- The parents should be called to come change the child in the nurse's office. This offers an opportunity for conversation regarding if this is a one-time incident, pattern, developmental delay in need of further assessment, etc.
- If the parent cannot be reached or has a delay in arrival that could cause skin irritation or other health concerns, then the IP/teacher can provide hands-on assistance if another person witnesses. A witness just needs to be present and can stand at the door.
- If no clothes are available or no witness is available in the classroom, the child can be taken to the nurse. The IP or teacher will need to wait for the nurse to be available to assist with the child depending upon other care in the clinic. Nurses may or may not have clothes available but we need to make efforts to change clothing when a parent will be delayed bringing clothing. If not the parent will need to bring clothes. If there are no clothes in the child’s size, the parent will need to bring a change of clothes with them.
After more than 2 consecutive days of accidents, a meeting should be convened with parent/guardian, teacher, campus administrator, and campus nurse to determine a plan of action.
- The team should focus on encouraging parent(s)/guardian(s) and seeking challenges to potty training without judgement. Questions and topics which need to be addressed are:
- Student’s background and efforts for potty training to date?
- When accidents are most likely to occur?
- Are there any medical concerns or factors which need to be considered?
- Who is helping at home with potty training efforts?
- The goal for the student is promotion of independence and pull ups are required in lieu of diapers.
- The plan of action should address in writing:
- Pull Ups provided by the parent/guardian
- Promotion of independence
- Potty schedule at home
- Potty schedule during the school day
- Who assists?
- Frequency?
- How will they assist?
- If hands-on assistance is required another staff member will be present to witness. Additionally, this should be addressed in the plan and agreed upon by the team.
- How often will the plan be revisited to review goals and ensure progress is made?
- How often communication is provided to parents/guardians regarding student progress?
- The determination of language usage at school and at home to promote consistency.
Parent Acknowledgement Form
Helpful Toilet Training Tips for Parents
Any kind of stressful situation can cause children who’ve graduated from diapers to suddenly have toileting accidents. Your little one may feel embarrassed about telling the preschool teacher she/he has to go, uncomfortable using the unfamiliar equipment, or shy about using the restroom in group situations. He/she may also get so caught up in the buzz of the preschool classroom that they forget to answer nature’s call and winds up having accidents. Remember: Accidents happen. To help your little one get through this preschool problem and become a preschool potty pro:
Go with the flow. Sure, it’s frustrating to bring in a new backup pair of undies every day, but it’s important to take potty backsliding in stride. Chiding (“You know better than that!”) or punishing won’t prevent them from having accidents at school. Plus, it can lower self-esteem when they need the boost the most. Tell your child that having accidents is perfectly natural, reassure them that next time they’ll get to the potty on time, and then drop the subject.
Sample Toileting / Hygiene Assistance Plan