Medication at School




District Medication Policy





To comply with Texas State Law, the following restrictions apply to the taking of medicine by students
 while at school:

1. Burnet CISD will not provide any medication for students with the exception of topical Caladryl and antibiotic ointment. 

2. All medication is to be brought to and kept in the school nurse’s office at the time of the students arrival at school. Students may not carry unauthorized medication on their persons or backpack.

3. Prescription and non-prescription medication must be in the original container. Prescription medication must be in a container with the pharmacy label for that student. 

4. Prescription and non-prescription medicine given for a period of less than 4 weeks will be given by district personnel provided that the parent completes and signs the district medication form. 

5. Long term medications (given longer than 4 weeks) may be given by district personnel provided that the prescribing physician completes the district medication permission form and written parental consent is obtained. 

6. If a new student enrolls from out of state or any foreign country the nurse may accept the prescription bottle and doctor’s order for the medication on a temporary basis (30 days) until the family is able to locate a new health provider. 

7. Any change, increase or decrease, in long term medication dosage requires an updated physician’s order. 

8. An authorized school employee may administer field trip medication as long as the medication is properly labeled, with a copy of the physician’s order and parent permission, and a medication log for documentation of time and the initials of the person giving the medication. 

9. Herbal or homeopathic products will not be administered at school without a written doctor’s order and printed documentation showing the specified use and benefits of the product and dosage according to age and weight of the student.