School Safety and Security » School Safety and Security Committee

School Safety and Security Committee

The school safety and security committee provides central coordination of safety efforts and assists with drills and exercises, school safety and security audits, policy development, and training. The committee is made up of school district and community partners that collaboratively provide recommendations to the district’s board of trustees and district administrators. The purpose of this committee is specifically related to ensuring the safety and well-being of the students and staff within the district.
2024-2025 Members
Steve Hale, Safety Coordinator
Dr. Aaron Peña, Superintendent
Dr. Rachel Jones, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction
Stacy Rush, Assistant Superintendent of Student Services
Clay Goehring, CFO
Matt Busceme, Director of Technology
Casey Burkhart, Burnet High School Principal
Abby O'Hair, Shady Grove Elementary Prinicpal
Earl Foster, Board President
Ross Behrens, Board Trustee
Derek Marchio, Burnet County Emergency Management Coordinator
Brandon Bertelson, Burnet SRO Supervisor
Johnny Caraway, Burnet Fire Marshal
Steven Clark, Patrol Captain
Dwayne Kyle, Bertram Police Chief
Jeston Craig, Teacher
Tanner Rice, Teacher
Josh Peterson, Community Member
Brian Holtzclaw, Parent
Agendas of Meetings