BCISD Hall of Honor Nominations are Open!

Nominations can be in any of the four categories:

  • Distinguished Burnet High School Graduate

Must be at least 10 years removed from graduating from Burnet CISD. The graduate must have excelled either personally or professionally after graduation bringing honor to himself/herself and to Burnet CISD.

  • Distinguished Burnet High School Athlete

Must be at least 10 years removed from graduating from Burnet CISD. The graduate must have excelled in athletics either while at Burnet High School or after graduating from Burnet High School.

  • Distinguished Former School Board Member

Must be at least 10 years removed from the last year of service as a Board Member. The Board Member should have provided dedicated service to the District as a Board Member.

  • Distinguished Former Employee

Must be at least 10 years removed from employment with Burnet CISD. The former employee must have provided dedicated service to the District as an employee.


Nominations must be provided on the nomination form below and an explanation about why, in 200 words or less, this person should be named to the Burnet CISD Hall of Honor. Nominations must include contact information of the person who is nominating in the event we need additional information. If you have contact information of the person you are nominating, we ask that you include that also so that we may reach them as quickly as possible if they are selected to the Burnet CISD Hall of Honor. Nominations must be submitted by Friday, January 12, 2023 to be eligible for the selection process.

To submit a nomination, please click the link below: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd5U0jpvPpv7orBe4VU7L_yuja4ERS2-VFr4NiQ7ZievfQEbg/viewform?usp=sf_link