Dr. Cole Davis- Central Office, February 2023

Cole is an outstanding employee who is early to arrive every day and often the last to leave. He is a master multi-tasker and has worked hard to ensure district compliance with all the many required timelines and procedures for special programs. He is quick to help others and highly committed to ensuring the needs of students are met across the district. He stays current with best practices and if he doesn't know the answer to something, he won't stop until he finds it! He keeps things light hearted in the office and if you need him to write a procedure, he will have it done in no time at all and it will be near perfect! Of all the people I have served alongside over the past 36 years in education, I can't think of a person who has challenged me more to grow in knowledge and leadership than this co-worker and friend. He is a gem and will always be one of my heroes.
Kelly Pieterse
Director of Special Programs